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Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Theory of Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Theory of Monopoly - Essay Example The fourth sort of imposing business model is, likely, the most significant. It is the imposing business model on thoughts, that is, on the scholarly items; when either revelation is made, it is important to remunerate the costs and to have the patent, on the grounds that in any case the proprietor of the thought would not have the option to repay his costs and to proceed with his analyses, along these lines impermanent (on occasion, entirely strong) restraining infrastructure is made for the thought, which is the premise of the item. Antimonopoly laws in the USA have showed up toward the finish of the nineteenth century and have brought immense advantages, as they cultivated rivalry, and rivalry in its turn favors the low costs of items, yet in addition invigorates the producer to diminish his costs; to diminish the costs he is obliged to complete mechanical and specialized developments, - that is the reason the division of the typical restraining infrastructures prompted the specialized advancement. After the World War II a few huge syndications in Germany have been separated - the best model is in the compound mammoth 'IG-Farben', which has been isolated into a few sections, presently spoke to by the concoction organizations 'BASF', 'Bayer' and 'Hoechst'. In any case, all in all, such division in Europe was not common. In actuality, the procedure of statism, as it has occurred with Renault Company in France, with their synchronous amplification, was broadly spread in the European nations. European markets are f ramed by the oligopoly standard, - car showcase is the brilliant case of such circumstance - a few huge organizations continually contend with one another; a similar circumstance is in the circle of pharmaceuticals and compound items. There are a few highlights, which are unconventional to the advancement of imposing business models and... Antimonopoly laws in the USA have showed up toward the finish of the nineteenth century and have brought tremendous advantages, as they cultivated rivalry, and rivalry in its turn favors the low costs of items as well as invigorates the maker to diminish his costs; to diminish the costs he is obliged to do mechanical and specialized developments, - that is the reason the division of the typical restraining infrastructures prompted the specialized advancement. After the World War II, a few enormous restraining infrastructures in Germany have been separated †the best model is the substance goliath ‘IG-Farben’, which has been isolated into a few sections, presently spoke to by the synthetic organizations ‘BASF’, ‘Bayer’ and ‘Hoechst’. Notwithstanding, when all is said in done, such division in Europe was not regular. Despite what might be expected, the procedure of statism, as it has occurred with Renault Company in France, with t heir synchronous amplification, was broadly spread in the European nations. European markets are framed by the oligopoly standard, - car advertise is the splendid case of such circumstance †a few huge organizations continually contend with one another; a similar circumstance is in the circle of pharmaceuticals and substance items. There are a few highlights, which are unconventional to the advancement of imposing business models and rivalry at present time. The principal propensity is the developing restraining infrastructure of the market; the logical and specialized insurgency has made the change the more significant level of business extension (the joining of associations).
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Columbia Columbia k?lum ´be? [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 75,883), Howard co., central Md., between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. Founded in 1967 and developed by James Rouse, it is one of the largest and most successful American planned cities. It incorporates nine villages around a downtown, along with schools, churches, a mall with more than 200 stores, parks, and business and cultural facilities. The Post-Merriweather Outdoor Pavilion is Columbia's cultural focal point. 2 City (1990 pop. 69,101), seat of Boone co., central Mo.; inc. 1826. The trade center of a farm and coal area, it has some light manufacturing but is best known as the seat of the Univ. of Missouri and Stephens College. The city is a medical center, with the university hospital, a state cancer hospital, a state regional mental health center, and a veterans' hospital. Houses in the city date from c.1820. 3 City (1990 pop. 98,052), state capital, and seat of Richland co., central S.C., at the head of navigation on the Congaree River; inc. 1805. It is the largest city in the state and an important trade and commercial point in the heart of a fertile farm region. Its industries include boatbuilding and the manufacture of electric equipment, paper and metal products, stainless steel, and apparel. A trading post flourished nearby in the early 18th cent. In 1786 the site was chosen for the new state capital because of its central location; the legislature first met in its new quarters in 1790. During the Civil War, General Sherman's army entered Columbia on Feb. 17, 1865. That night the city was burned and almost totally destroyed by drunken Union soldiers. An educational center, Columbia is the seat of the Univ. of South Carolina, Benedict College, Columbia College, Allen Univ., and Columbia International Univ. Notable buildings include the statehouse (begun 1855, damaged in 1865, completed 1901), President Woodrow Wilson's boyhood home (1870), and several antebellum houses. Also of interest are the South Carolina Archives Building; the Columbia Museum of Art and Science; the Midlands Exposition Park, with historical exhibits; and a zoo. Adjacent to the city is U.S. Fort Jackson, a major infantry training center. Lake Murray (formed by the dammed Saluda River) and Congaree National Park are nearby. 4 City (1990 pop. 28,583), seat of Maury co., central Tenn., on the Duck River; inc. 1817. Once a noted mule market and racing horse center, it is the trade and processing hub of a fertile area producing beef cattle and burley tobacco, as well as a shipping point for the region's limestone and phosphate deposits. Columbia has many fine antebellum homes, such as the James K. Polk House (1816). A national jubilee for Tennessee walking horses is annually held in June. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation On Human Life
I. Introduction In recent years, due to technology advances human life are subjected to high level of Electromagnetic emission, Effects of the Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) on the humans health is one most significant concern in the world. The present paper recognize of the possible health hazard on the humanity by exposure of Electromagnetic radiations (EMR). Potential of electromagnetic radiation can radiate through transmission lines which are very close to human’s life. The effects of the radiations are classified to two main categories that are known as ionization and non-ionization radiation may have ionization radiations have high energy that impact on the atoms in the cells, and lead to change their natural status,†¦show more content†¦In other words, they heat up. This is exactly what happens when we sunbathe. The molecules in our skin are excited by waves in the sunlight and thus sunshine feels warm on our skin. In your body, there is subbtle electrical activity similar to electric circuit. This electrical activity control vital bodily functions such as growth, metabolism, through and movement. In this era, technology infuences for our life. Many people cannot live without technology, especially handphone or smartphone. Technology can help people to find or do anything instantly, but they just focus on the advantage of it. They do not know the negative effect of using smartphone excessively. II. Problem In this era, all of people have used technology, especially smartphone, gadget, android, and etc. People will bring it wherever and whenever they go. Starting from they wake up untill they want to sleep. But, do you know that playing hand phone or smartphone excessively will be dangerous for human health. Especially, playing handphone or smartphone while lying on the bad will be dangerous because the radition of electromagnetic wave influences our eyes and the other of human health. III. Effect of Human life While the positive aspect of technologic innovation makes the life easier, it may also involve components that impair the quality of life via its certain negative effects. A discussion about the adverseShow MoreRelatedCell Phone Radiation May Help Alzheimers Disease Essay1569 Words  | 7 Pagesabandoned the idea that cell phone radiation is detrimental to our health. The experiment studied the effects of cell phones on Alzheimers. Professor Arendash, started this study by noticing that the students in the hallway of the university had cell phones plastered to their ears. He set up the experiment with lab mice, beaming electromagnetic signals at them two hours a day, for eight months, this is the equivalent to daily phone use for 25 to 30 years for humans. The results surprised the researchRead MoreGamma Rays Are The Most Interesting Wave Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum1223 Words  | 5 Pagesin the electromagnetic spectrum. 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Cell phones are interesting, useful and also play a major role in our life’s bringing people closer and keeping in touch with one another. Most people do not know and understand
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Of The American Population And Our Health Care...
Based on some key measures that reports have used to assess the quality of health care, the United States has taken considerable, yet limited steps towards progress. The United Health Foundation’s 2015 America’s Health Rankings ® Annual Report offers a comprehensive look into the health of the American population and our health care system. The 2015 Annual Report specifies, â€Å"Cigarette use continues to fall, immunization rates continue to rise, and there are long-term positive trends in reducing cardiovascular-related and infant deaths†(United Health Foundation). While these are tremendous improvements, public health officials across the nation have used the Annual Report to raise awareness about crucial issues. A notable matter in question is the quality of health in the United States: it faces many challenges, one of which is the worrisome increases in the rate of chronic disease. Often, the root causes of chronic disease are underutilization of basic pr eventive care, overuse of antibiotics, and cost implications in our health care system; all indicate the need for reform. When we compare health quality in the U.S. with other developed countries, it ranks as last, or nearly last, on almost all indicators of mortality, survival, and life expectancy (United Health Foundation, 2015). The poor rankings that we have are due in large part to underutilized preventive health services. If these services are more enforced, they could help avoid or delay the onset of disease,Show MoreRelatedImpact of Affordable Care Act on North Carolina Uninsured Population1204 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Impact of Affordable Care Act on North Carolina Uninsured Population Rita Santos Walden University NURS-6050N-1,Policy Advocacy for Population Health January 3, 2014 Impact of ACA on North Carolina Uninsured Population The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is in vigor since January 1, 2014, and hospitals and health care providers are not sure about how many people will knock at their door for health care. So far, according to Camp (2014) â€Å"More than two million people across the country haveRead MoreGrowing Cost of Healthcare Essay627 Words  | 3 Pagesfacing our nation today is that a large percent of our population does not carry any type of health insurance, and the number is growing daily. 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High school Free Essays
The alumni association plays an important role in any educational institutions or organizations. It exhibits the excellence of quality education imparted to every students, gives comprehensive development for all the students, and helps them become academically strong. The kind of education provided by the school gives a good reputation to their alma mater. We will write a custom essay sample on High school or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like most alumni, they would like to come back to their school which has played a very important part of their memory. The alumni association organizes several vents, publishes news and updates, and helps gather every members of the association. SST. Paul College of Magmata (SPAM) is a coeducational catholic private school located at D. M. Riviera Street, publication, Magmata City. It was established in the year 1942 under the administration of the Sisters of SST. Paul of Chartres. The school offers preschool, grade school and high school. Originally, the SPAM had only one department that offered education to students in grade school. As years passed by, the school then had its first batch of graduates in 1949. In 2002, the SPAM accommodated further velveteen plans such as the operation of the High School Department. In which, the school administration constructed a new building to house the High School Department which later on turned over its first batch of high school graduates of 1 33 students in 2006. In 2007, the High School Department was given full government recon action by the Department of Education. SST. Paul College of Magmata Alumni Association (SPAM) was established in 2002 and was registered in Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2014 with the mission that serves to strengthen links among fellow Pauline graduates of SSL Paul College of Magmata. SPAM aims to encourage and gather SPAM alumni to reconnect with one another and revisit their alma mater. For in reconnecting and revisiting, they will remember their foundation which is anchored on Pauline values and ideals. Just as they were molded into holistic individuals, SPAM takes part to ensure the continuing Pauline Ian path to excellence and spiritual inspiration from generation to generation. SPAM envisions a community of Philippians who are active participants in pursuing the Pauline mission as they set out to the world. As they endeavor towards these ideals, they will be able to renew their ties as one Pauline family strongly linked to their alma mater – their second home. As to what the school would say â€Å"the love of Christ impels us†, they as well extend service and love to fellow Pauline graduates and undergraduates, to society at large, and to anyone in need. As of 2014, the SPAM has a total of 1,444 high school alumni since 2006. Currently, the SPAM has a set of officers who organizes the association. The officers are composed of president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, reassure, assistant treasurer, auditor, public relation officer. The school principal/directress regulates and oversees the overall activities of the association. Before the association was developed, Drab. Celeriac V. Papa- Militant, MD, CAP was the one who entrusted in the position as the President of the SPAM. Every alumni association must have a person who is in charge of the many tasks. Recently Ms. Rosemary Gambit was appointed by the school administration to be the alumni moderator or coordinator of the association. Ms. Gambit is responsible In communicating with the alumni, in- hare in organizing the social gathering, events and other agendas of SPAM. All information of each alumni members are being maintained by the guidance personnel which helps the alumni coordinator maintain the connections between the association and the alumni. BUSINESS PROCESS AND RULES Updating of Alumni Information Alumni information are updated through statuses posted in SST. Paul College of Magmata Guidance official Faceable page. The guidance personnel who are responsible to update alumni information post statuses and send messages informing alumni to update their Current information such as education, org, civil status and other alumni details. Often times, alumni do not respond immediately to the statuses and messages in Faceable. The information of alumni who provide their updated details are being consolidated in an Excel file. The guidance personnel also send emails to update their information as the same process used in Faceable. For some instance when alumni visit the school for whatever purposes like requesting school documents, they are being asked to fill up a form called Visiting Graduates’ Log Sheet. The information provided in the Visiting Graduates’ Log Sheet are not consolidated in an effective and stable database as the information stay written on the log sheet. When alumni are asked to provide the information in Visiting Graduates’ Log Sheet, it is necessary to supply all the information as required. Tracing of Alumni Same as updating of alumni information, tracking the whereabouts of alumni is being done through Faceable status and messages, emails, and school visits. Alumni fill up the SPAM Registration Form to provide their whereabouts when they visit the school. The information provided in the SPAM Registration Form are not compiled in an effective and stable database as the information stay written on the form. When alumni are asked to provide the information in SPAM Registration Form, it is necessary to supply all the information as required. Dissemination of News and Updates, Events and All Other Announcements The dissemination of news and updates, events and all other announcements is done through Faceable statuses and messages, emails, posters, barraging and parish announcements by the alumni coordinator. Announcement regarding alumni events are published and broadcasted when there are upcoming gatherings and activities. How to cite High school, Papers High School Free Essays I was born on 1998/7/5, in shanghai, china. 9 month i learned how to walk. 3 years old my first day of kindergarten. We will write a custom essay sample on High School or any similar topic only for you Order Now i cried but i also met a lot of cool kids. i learned to read. 4 years old i started to dance and i love dancing. 7 years old i went to elementary school and i was very exciting. i played violin for one year and then i quit. 9 years old lost my first tooth, i’m scared. 10 years old i got a first C in my life. rode my bicycle. 12 years old I went to a good middle school, and most people are very good at study. i felt i’m so lonely and tired. But after 2 weeks, i made a lot of friends and i love my life in my high school. my feet hurt, my doctor told me that i can’t dance anymore, play any spots or P. E. class. 13 years old i moved to america because i got a bad score in my middle school. my parents think that i can’t get into a good high school in china. most my classmates cried, i cried. i really missed them went i first came to here. but after few days, i adjusted my new life and i like my new school taylor middle school. however, i still miss my family members in shanghai and my friends. i still contact them. also took a lot of classes after school to improve my english. 14 years old i became a eighth grader, i felt i’m so mature. i learned a lot from this year. i started to play guitar. 15 years old i went to mils high school. i got a good grade. 19 years old i went to UC berkeley. i met my boyfriend. had a good time in UC berkely. 24 years old graduated from UC berkeley, became a good psychologi st. 26 years old i got married, have a good life. 27 years old got a lot of money and had my first child. 32 years old got my second child. 70 years old i got stomach cancer. 82 years old i died from gastric cancer, i donated my organs. How to cite High School, Papers High School Free Essays High school is the time in our lives to begin exploring options and figure out who we are as individuals, and where we want to go. It is a pathway that guides us to whatever our future holds, but it is also full of commotion, which would transform the slightest bit of misunderstanding into arguments and violence. I recall a classmate of mine transferring school due to a fallacious rumor of him stealing. We will write a custom essay sample on High School or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was no proof; just words from people who â€Å"claim†they believe it were him. Far too many bad things could happen in high school, and they could alter our experiences in negative ways. It wasn’t farfetched to say I was a victim of such calamity. My experience at my current secondary school started off full of excitement. I participated in many different activities and made a great deal of friends, which made me love high school. But there were many quarrels in school, which made life akin to the weather: unpredictable, uncontrollable, and unfair. The defining moment of my sophomore year was a simple misunderstanding that left a deep scar behind. It was a frosty morning, sending chills down my spine as I walked to school for basketball practice, become an ice cube along the way. When the coach dismissed us to my relief, someone’s phone was missing from the volleyball team which was next door. For privacy reasons I am going to give him the alias â€Å"Joe. †The news did not surprise me, but Joe’s friends wanted to search me, and he went through all my belongings. The shock of someone thinking that I took his phone hit me like a bullet. It left me numb and speechless. Feeling helpless like a mouse in a trap, I desperately needed someone to be on my side. The word â€Å"fair†kept on popping up in my mind, and it sparked an anger that had being building. I sought after the people who wanted to put the blame on me. I had no alibi of me not stealing the phone, but likewise they had no evidence of me stealing the phone either. While walking through the halls, I felt like the walls were following me, watching my every step. Everything was blurry. It felt like I have lost control of who I am. My ears overheard my name and gossip about me in the halls, and that was when I lost it. My mind erupted and broke open like a broken dam: every bit of emotion started flowing out. My eyes started to water but I tried my best to suppress the tears. The inevitable had happened: I became the new laughingstock of the school. News spread faster than wild fire in an ancient forest. With rumors flooding in excess, my reputation had taken a hit. I was branded â€Å"The Thief†. This incident impacted me in ways beyond I would ever imagine. I did not make one jump shot at the subsequent practice. People were cautious around me. They kept their phone out of my sight and tried to avoid me in the halls; it seemed like that even teachers seemed to treat me differently, although that must’ve been my imagination. I felt sick; I could not eat or sleep. Everything seemed to become more confounded. I had trouble looking people in the eye, and my heart raced every time someone mentioned the word â€Å"phone†. I would turn around to see whether they were talking about me. Paranoia, it must’ve been. I avoided the volleyball team at all costs, and I did not talk to my close friends. It was excruciating to restrain my demons me while wearing a poker face, hoping others cannot see the pain. The week of the incident simply did not go well. Fortunately, after what had seemed like an eternity of torture, Joe finally found his phone in his friends bag. However, he never apologized to me for blind accusation. I didn’t really care; The pain, and suffering was worth more than a simple â€Å"sorry†! But everything went back to regular routine and school became exciting once more. Looking back, I really couldn’t blame Joe: he lost an iPhone 4S, the newest and most expensive phone at the time. It would be hypocritical of me to say that I would not be infuriated if I had lost my iPhone. High school is a pathway which we all must take. The views and experiences may be different but the concept remains the same. In the eye of a student there are very many negative and few positives about high school. The main point is staying out of trouble’s way and avoiding it at all cost, because one simple misunderstanding could cause you years of pain. People may also blame you for things you haven’t done, but the truth is: life is easier when you have someone else to blame. How to cite High School, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Tension and suspense in the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Example For Students
Tension and suspense in the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Marquez subtly transforms a historical murder into a crime thriller in his novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold. The very first line of the novel informs the reader about the murder, which prompts the reader to discover how and why the protagonist, Santiago Nasar will be murdered. Marquez appraises the foretold death but leaves it to the reader to explore a number of factors responsible for the death such as honour codes, the orthodox society or the laxity of the people that culminated into the death of the protagonist. Marquez weaves the story of Santiago’s murder with the gossamer of tension and suspense. His web successfully traps the reader as no one is ready to take the responsibility of the murder which had even been foretold. We will write a custom essay on Tension and suspense in the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The greatest tension Marquez builds in this novel is by removing the element of suspense itself from the novel and thrusting the plot in a vein similar to a Greek tragedy. Marquez’s line, â€Å"On the day they were going to kill him†(Marquez 1) is able to draw a parallel between his work and the Greek tragedies where the audience was lured by the theatre despite knowing the sum and substance of the tragic plot. Marquez uses the tool of magic realism to make his story â€Å"Part morality tale, part fairy tale†, in addition to Greek tragedy. The element of prophetic dreams perplexes the reader as he instinctively tries to explore if the dreams have any mortal innuendoes. The reader knows everything essential to the plot from the opening page, yet he is intrigued by the novel until the final paragraph, wherein the murder is described. In addition, it is not strange that by the time Marquez elucidates it, the reader is already grappling with a number of key themes su ch as revenge, honour, racism and religion, confused as to what it was that accentuated the murder. Marquez orchestrates the story through an unnamed third person narrator who can only bring forth the information he gleans through his investigation although he is a next kin to the deceased. The reader feels baffled, as even the journalistic style cannot kindle the past that transpired twenty-seven years ago, in this particular rigid Latin American society. Marquez’s style is unique in that although the narrator tells the story in the first person, yet he also relates everything everyone is thinking. As in his other novels Marquez explores the theme of amnesia, thereby obscuring the evidence and testimony for the murder that took place so long ago. Most of the people who witnessed the gory spectacle are either dead or are suffering from obliviousness. It is strange that the policeman, Leandro Pornoy, shows no interest in the activities of the two drunken brothers. The Colonel, Lazaro Aponte, says â€Å"No one is arrested just on suspicion,†(Marquez 57) although he hims elf confiscated the knives from the Vicario brothers. Apart from the strange characters, the title of the novel is itself an oxymoron for the reader, as death can never be foretold. Ironically in the words of the translator, Gregory Rabassa, â€Å"The title is quite fitting, therefore, in that the death in question has been announced and is foretold, and through it Marquez has managed to keep the shock and horror of surprise.†Marquez’s style is immaculate when the narrator talks about the murder in the opening sentence of the novel; â€Å"On the day they were going to kill him†. With the technique of flashback he foreshadows the death of the protagonist with the very beginning of the novel. The reader is all the more terse and tense to know of the death but no reasons behind its justification. .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .postImageUrl , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:hover , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:visited , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:active { border:0!important; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:active , .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub9c15db89b6322795113f1e5121701ed:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Brutus' Tragic Flaw EssayThe author employs various techniques to create an element of tension and suspense in the mind of the reader. The identities of the murderers, Pedro and Pablo Vicario, are given but the author screens the details of the gruesome murder until the very end. The journalistic style adopted by the author serves as another impediment in the mind of the reader. Jeffry Lilburn says â€Å"what begins as an attempt to fill the gaps, to find out once and for all what really happened that dark and drizzly morning becomes instead a parody of any attempt to recapture and reconstruct the past†. Furthermore no doubt the mind of the reader oscillates between the past and the present. The writer shows the superficial nature of the townsfolk, a closely- à ¢ knit group of people who suffer from inertia and laxity when it comes to honour code. The reader does not understand the double standards of the society where women must have their hymen intact while men are allowed to relish the delinquent lives fornicating, â€Å"in the apostolic lap of Maria Alejandrina Cervantes†(Marquez 3). There seems to be too much hue and cry on virginity with reference to Angela in the novel. The reader does not reconcile himself as to what is responsible behind such canons: is it the influence of the Spanish culture on the Latin American one or the primal instincts of ancient people. However, it appears that the society is firm on the issues of honour and virginity. The reader is further confused when Angela is convinced that she has slept with Bayardo and lost her virginity for the first time. â€Å"No one would have thought, nor did anyone say, that Angela Vicario wasn’t a virgin†. How does she cross the physical and metaphorical barriers and lose her honour? It is the irony of human kind that the fickle minded society takes Santiago Nasar as the perpetrator although they had never been seen together. The reader cannot also understand why Placida Linero, renowned as a great interpreter of dreams fails to interpret the dream of her only son. By blending his journalistic style with the artistic aspect of literature, Marquez confuses the reader as to what he is reading: an account of history, fantasy or a murder mystery. While the narrative moves speedily the reader is left ruminating as to what must have happened between Bayardo and Angela on their connubial night. The reader is tensed when it comes to whether her family will accept Angela or not. It is here that Marquez creates foremost tension in the mind of the reader who is impelled to question the honour codes indoctrinated in the minds of the townsfolk. And the reader questions himself if Angela is not as sinful as her perpetrator is? And when she blames Santiago to be the violator of her honour, the reader is as tensed as a wire. Is Santiago really the seducer? Why does the society sympathize with a woman who has broken the unwritten laws of virginity, by sleeping with ‘many’ and even with the others who are in the other world? Another fact that confuses the reader is the lack of enough details of a character as important as Angela. Marquez moves ahead without providing any such explanations. Marquez presents such twists in the novel that the reader sometimes blames Santiago of seducing Angela, given Santiago’s character as a philanderer. But at the same time the reader exonerates him of this act when his character is compared to a Christ like figure. Marquez paints Santiago, â€Å"a stigma of a crucified Christ†a scapegoat for the sins and the ignorance of society. But can there be a parallel between a man who grabbed Divina’s â€Å"whole pussy†(Marquez 12) and Christ? It is here that Marquez creates a labyrinth through his laconic writing. At the end of the novel, far away from the poetic justice, the reader stands on slippery grounds as to decide who Santiago is: a Biblical figure or Satanic one. In the words of his mother, Santiago was a man whose â€Å"skin was so delicate that it couldn’t stand the noise of starch†(Marquez 5). And the biggest suspense, which bewilders the reader, is the big question, why nobody stops Santia go’s murder? .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .postImageUrl , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:hover , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:visited , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:active { border:0!important; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:active , .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187 .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e4c012b49d1d19e5cbbebd6c945c187:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Death of a Traveling Salesman misc EssayThe translator Gregory Rabassa builds up the tension in the very first scene. He uses short sentences to create a powerful flow of emotions in the reader’s mind. For instance through the alliteration in the line â€Å"hallucination, holding his hanging intestines in his hands†(Marquez 121) the reader is confused to decipher the implication of this poetic technique incorporated into prose. Further his words, constituting a hyperbole, â€Å"all his intestines exploded out†(Marquez 121) petrify the reader. The metaphor of â€Å"mirror of memory†(Marquez 5) suggests that the truth will never be uncovered and t he importance of the event has faded. The phrase â€Å"scattered shards†(Marquez 5) infers there is danger in the search. Overall, it looks that the narrator’s quest for the truth will be hindered by the lapse in time. And this is the dexterity of the Marquez that even now the reader cannot decide who to blame for the murder of Santiago: the honour code, the collective society, the Spanish culture or man’s protective and possessive attitude toward women.
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